Romics and the Craving of Attention

romics attention economy
Sometimes dressing up as your favorite fantasy character is not the only thing that should get attention. Walking around a crowded space is not ideal, especially if you’re wearing many layers of handmade clothing keeping you a bit too hot. With long lines and Q&A panels with your favorite artists, Romics welcomes you to a fantasy world. Romics is an event that takes place twice a year in Rome, once during the Spring and once during the Fall. The name comes from a combination of the words...

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TanaCon is “officially cancelled”: when Attention Economy backfires

audience tanacon
Having someone’s undivided attention is not always a good thing: if anything goes wrong, you can’t hide it. Tana Mongeau, TanaCon’s organizer, learned it the hard way. YouTubers taking part in conventions is usually the peak result of attention economy between fans and celebrities. However, if poorly planned, things can turn ugly really fast for both parties. As we know by now, attention economy is a concept widely used among advertisers and markets in various media industries. This includes social...

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